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I’ve led what’s probably a pretty typical sex life. I’ve never done anything too crazy sexually. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too shy to suggest something freakier or if the ladies I’ve been with weren’t interested. Either way, it’s never come up, so I stay in the vanilla lane. When I want to let my freak flag fly, I turn to the internet. When I found out I could save 50% with a Water Bondage discount, I knew I had to check it out. 

There are more than 275+ videos in this collection. These scenes are unlike anything I’d ever seen before. You’ll see special equipment like water-torture bathtubs, human-sized water tanks, water cages, monster hoses, and more. There’s even a dunking chair that ladies are tied to and then dunked backward underwater. Hogties, flogging, gagging, shackles, and strapons are the norm around here. If you like this, then you’ll be happy to know that your membership grants you access to the entire network at no additional cost. This is the perfect deal for viewers who enjoy extreme sex.

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