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The great thing about free fuck sites is that it has completely solved two of the biggest problems of websites. For the longest time, websites are held back by the need for content and the need for traffic. These twin problems prevent any possible any and all websites from growing.

Fuckbook has solved these problems by letting its members generate content to the tune of several hundred thousand pictures per hour. Also when people post up their pictures, obviously they want their friends and family to see their shit. That’s why they invite everybody else they know. This solves the traffic problem.

The great thing about is that it has hijacked these two content and traffic solutions that Facebook has innovated and applied it to the problem of getting laid online. Make no mistake about it, and other anonymous sexual social networking platforms can get you laid. The bottom line is that it boils down to your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you know how to play the game right and you’re willing to put in the time, effort, and energy, you can succeed.

The problem is most guys use, Fuckbook, and other sexual networking sites the wrong way. At the back of their head they assume that it’s not going to work, they don’t play the numbers game, they don’t really get out there and reach out. Not surprisingly, they don’t end up scoring. That’s the bottom line. If you assume that something’s not going to work, chances are it won’t.

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